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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a heart full of gratitude...

From the December 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart full of gratitude and in the hope of helping some one that I give this testimony. For twenty-eight years I was a slave to the morphine habit, which started from a doctor's prescription. I became utterly miserable and prayed incessantly for deliverance from it. Less than two weeks after treatment was taken up in Christian Science I was absolutely free from this habit.

I do not know just when two other healings occurred, possibly a week before the drug habit went. One of my thumbs was twisted around into the palm of the hand and lay there useless for twenty-two years, as a result of rheumatism. The doctors had said the only thing that could be done was to remove it at the second joint, as it was in my way when working. One day after turning to Christian Science I discovered that the thumb was released and as active as the other. A lump on the breastbone, which had been there for thirty-five years and during the last twenty years had caused much suffering, disappeared. The practitioner who was treating me for the morphine habit did not even know of these two discordant conditions, but nevertheless they were overcome during her treatments, and I was indeed free. A large lump on the side of one hand has almost gone. My greatest desire is to live closer to God and to help others.—

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