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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

Bearing in mind the many blessings...

From the December 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Bearing in mind the many blessings which I have received through Christian Science, I would herewith give expression to my gratitude. After having experienced much sorrow and disappointment, I found my way to Christian Science and was healed of mental depression and of a sense of bitterness toward life. Although my experiences in Christian Science were the very best, still I failed to get into close touch with its life-giving teachings, as I kept allowing those whose views were different to influence me and lead me away. From time to time I would be in the most dejected spirits, not knowing which way to turn. Then I would find myself hastening to a Christian Science practitioner in order to be helped through his understanding of God.

Two years elapsed before I understood that the truth must be lived, and that I must conform my life to God's law. I mention this in order that those who may not attain immediately to what the teachings of Christian Science promise and what they are bound to bring in the way of peace, joy, hope, and an awakening to a new life, may not allow themselves to become discouraged, for the day will come when victory will be attained.

I now feel perfectly well and enjoy a steadily increasing sense of harmony, joy, and contentment, knowing that these are inherent in man's spiritual consciousness. I praise God for the blessings which Christian Science has brought me, and I am daily striving to grasp more of the Christ, Truth. My desire is that many hopeless ones and those thirsting after the Word may be saved through becoming acquainted with this life-giving, divine message. As for our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, I cherish feelings of deepest love toward her for showing us the way to Truth.—

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