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Testimonies of Healing

When on Aug. 8, 1898, I bought...

From the December 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When on Aug. 8, 1898. I bought a copy of Science and Health, with other things purchased for the relief of my wife, who was in a helpless condition from what the many physicians called rheumatism, I thought I was throwing my money away. I, however, read the book aloud to her, and we both declared that we had found the truth. She was greatly helped, and I, who had worn a truss for years on account of rupture, and suffered from lung trouble, was so greatly benefited that the support was discarded. Heart trouble and the tobacco habit have also yielded to the power of Truth. Now, although an old soldier, I feel as healthy as in my young days. Three years' service during the civil war had about used me up.

We find that we can overcome all our difficulties by knowing and declaring the truth that divine Love meets every need, if we cast off our material beliefs as to sin, sickness, and fear of the future. So many discords have been overcome, sins and diseases so called, that I could write a book about the joyful experiences which have befallen us. We are grateful and happy that we have a God of love.—

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