DURING the early spring of 1904 two Christian Science families in Edmonton began to meet informally in their homes to read the Lesson-Sermon. These meetings were continued during the summer, quite a number of friends and neighbors attending, but in the fall one of these families moved into the country and the meetings were given up until the summer of 1906.
In the mean while a number of Christian Scientists from different parts of Canada and the United States had taken up their residence in Edmonton, and having come in touch with one another, they began to hold informal meetings in a private home. After careful and prayerful consideration, these Christian Scientists decided, at a meeting held on Oct. 10, 1906, that it would be in the best interests of the cause to band themselves together in an organization to be known as "First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Edmonton," and a committee was appointed to take the necessary steps.
At a meeting held Oct. 24 it was decided to rent the hall at 630 Second Street, and temporary readers and officers were appointed, to hold office until the annual meeting on Jan. 11, 1907. At this meeting the church organization was completed according to Chapter XXXVIII of the Consolidated Ordinance of the North West Territories, an ordinance respecting the holding of lands in trust for religious societies and congregations.