Beginning with January, 1918, a translation in French of articles from The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, and The Christian Science Monitor will be made into an additional periodical under the title of Le Héraut de Christian Science. These articles will be published with the English text opposite the pages in French, and the pages in English will be headed by the translation of the title as The Herald of Christian Science.
The price for this periodical is $2.00 a year. Subscriptions are now invited and may be sent to The Christian Science Publishing Society.
This same plan of placing the English text opposite the translated pages will also be followed with Der Herold der Christian Science beginning with the January number, 1918.
In the establishment of Le Héraut de Christian Science Christian Scientists will welcome a further fulfillment of the purpose of our Leader, Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, in connection with the periodicals of Christian Science. In speaking of the intent of Der Herold der Christian Science Mrs. Eddy declared in the first issue of The Christian Science Monitor (Miscallany, p. 353) that it was "to proclaim the universal activity and availability of Truth."