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From the December 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Wonderful picture of church organization is given in the twelfth chapter of I Corinthians, where the church is symbolized by the human body with its varied functions and activities. The various branches necessary to make a well rounded organization are described, and emphasis is laid on the necessity for harmonious introactive cooperation in order to accomplish constructive work.

Increased physical harmony and unnoticed smoothness of function is usually one of the first results of a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science. The next step is to acquire the habit of thought which turns continually from the material to the spiritual in a daily and hourly effort to correct thought in its every manifestation by the plumb line of Spirit. By far the greater number of students of Christian Science so far have been occupied entirely by this sort of work, which might be called "destructive," inasmuch as it is mainly the clearing away of old opinions and beliefs,—"casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

But that which is to come beyond, when the ground has been cleared, has not been even remotely guessed at. In fact it has not yet occurred to many students to question why, beyond the easily satisfied sense of personal comfort and accomplishment, we are striving for spiritual knowledge. The "kingdom of God" is vaguely considered to be a state where nothing will worry us personally. How many of us consider it as a condition of joyous, unimaginable accomplishment of things we do not as yet even dream of? All students readily understand that an unhampered mentality is necessary for effective work in any line, but at present it seems as if personal if not acute physical problems occupy the attention of the great majority of earnest workers, and few of them look beyond and prepare their mental horizons for the grander views about to unfold before their vision.

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