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From the December 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is possible that the word brethren, one definition of which is "members of a brotherhood," reaches its highest interpretation in that very rendering. Surely that was the significance in the Master's thought when he said, "All ye are brethren." Paul writes to his "brethren in Christ," and in John's first epistle we learn that one way by which we can know that we have "passed from death unto life" is "because we love the brethren."

How lightly on the human plane of living do we regard the commandment of Jesus that we love one another as he has loved us; and how has this tender, compassionate Teacher loved us? "Greater love hath no man than this," he declared, "that a man lay down his life for his friends;" again, his command was, "Follow me." If we were indeed following this guide, there would be less of criticism, suspicion, evil looks, and sharp, unkindly words in the world to-day.

As with other forms of evil, unkindness hurts most the one who is its channel, not the one toward whom it is aimed. Then every unbrotherly word or deed can be met with a smile, and even with a thought of forgiveness and pity for the offender, knowing, as Mrs. Eddy has pointed out, that "the mental arrow shot from another's bow is practically harmless, unless our own thought barbs it" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 223). One who uses hate's weapons becomes sadly warped and hardened thereby, for this error not only makes him less loving but less lovely, and there is a longer, rougher road to travel just because of it, unless through speedy repentance and reparation, so far as in him lies, he resolves to be more kindly.

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