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From the December 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 107 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," in speaking of her discovery of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy says, "God had been graciously preparing me during many years for the reception of this final revelation of the absolute divine Principle of scientific mental healing." That this is no presumptuous statement has been established to the entire satisfaction of many spiritually minded thinkers. Because the absolute teachings of Christian Science have not yet been fully demonstrated, unfair or unthinking critics sometimes attempt to attribute this not at all surprising condition to the teaching itself rather than to the immature sense of its students. No system can be judged by the imperfect work of its students, and a single problem solved according to a given rule nullifies every failure caused by lack of understanding or an incorrect application of the rule.

That Christian Science has not been demonstrated in the entirety of its infinite statement, in no wise cancels the fact that its present wonderful fruitage is an assurance that perfection is not a will-o'-the-wisp, but is a definite goal which must ultimately be attained. Perfection cannot be improved upon, neither can it be impaired. That which is perfect must always remain so, and this is what the wise man meant when he said, "Whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it." In their arrogance mortals may think that they can change perfection, but the fact remains that imperfection exists only in false, mortal concepts. Correct the concept and it will be seen that no change has taken place in anything created by God who, as the Bible plainly says, made all and pronounced it "very good." How could that which is "very good" degenerate into that which is very bad? It could seem to do so only by accepting the utterly untenable proposition that an essentially good and omnipotent God either has evolved bad qualities or has lost control over His own creation.

Mrs. Eddy's teachings reconcile every seeming contradiction which can arise concerning the nature of God and man, and the Christian Science textbook is indeed a perfect "key," which unlocks the treasure house of the Bible and reveals the deep spiritual intent of those truths which have been so wantonly warped and twisted from their real meaning by the dogmatic theological materialism of the centuries. Not a syllable is added to or taken from the Book of books, and in speaking of the source of the inspiration of her discovery Mrs. Eddy says: "In following these leadings of scientific revelation, the Bible was my only textbook. The Scriptures were illumined; reason and revelation were reconciled, and afterwards the truth of Christian Science was demonstrated" (Science and Health, p. 110). Every individual is inspired of God in proportion to the degree of truth he enunciates or demonstrates, and measured by this logical test Christian Scientists deem it no sacrilege to regard Mrs. Eddy as having been inspired to bring to men this final revelation of Truth which shall never again be lost to the world.

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