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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that I should give a testimony...

From the December 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that I should give a testimony as to the results which have come to me and mine through the study and practice of Christian Science. When I first decided to try Christian Science, I had come to the point where it seemed to me that I would be better off if I were dead. I had used medicine for twenty years, but had received no benefit, and the last doctor said he could not help me. I was supposed to have disease of the stomach, heart, and lungs; but thanks to Christian Science these illusions of mortal mind are disappearing. I am now working every day, and have lost no time for a year and a half. I have gained in weight and feel fifteen years younger. Christian Science has made us a united family, whereas discord was seemingly trying to part us. I feel that I am just beginning to live, and am sure that I have received more good out of life in the past four years than ever before.

The study of a recent Lesson-Sermon helped me a great deal. I had thought that in the work I was doing I could not progress as I should because there was so much talk of sickness, lack, and material things, and that if I were placed where there were Christian Scientists I would do much better. The experience of the Hebrew children, however, taught me that no matter where we are placed, even in the fiery furnace of apparent discord, seemingly bound with materiality, nothing can harm us if we cling steadfastly to God and know that there is only one power, that God is All. We cannot even be singed if we will always know that God is good and that we are the recipients of all good, not only sometimes but at all times and in all places.

I am very grateful to Mrs. Eddy for bringing anew this message of the Christ, Truth, and I could not express in words what I think of her, as to me she is the greatest benefactor the world has known since the time of Jesus. There is nothing which compares to Christian Science, to the comforting facts that we are all God's children and He looks out for all of us, and that when seeming discords or ills appear they can be put to flight with the truth about God and man. God always helps us if we will let Him. There is no discord, however great it may appear to mortal sense, that cannot be overcome if we will only do as we are taught in Christian Science. We have had many seeming ills of the flesh to meet for ourselves and our children, but they have been overcome by applying the truth, sometimes with outside help but more often by using our slight understanding as we are taught in Science and Health.

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