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Testimonies of Healing

I feel I can never be grateful...

From the June 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel I can never be grateful enough for having been healed of the morbid habit of cigarette smoking, which I indulged for fifteen years, during nine of which I smoked at the rate of fifty cigarettes a day. Having neglected nourishing food I was brought down in health to a living skeleton and in March, 1918, I thought I could not possibly live another week, I felt so ill and weak. Although I had tried very many times to discontinue the habit through will power, knowing it was a sin, I was always obliged to go back to smoking again. A Christian Science practitioner was living near by, and I resolved to see if I could be healed and am very grateful to say that in two treatments I was absolutely healed. All desire for smoking immediately left me, and I have never had the slightest desire for it nor touched cigarettes since.

Since this healing I have gained in weight so that my friends have remarked on my improved appearance, and my sight, which was badly affected, is coming back. I have also had beautiful demonstrations of supply through the understanding of true substance, and in the overcoming of criticism, self-righteousness, worry, self-pity, and sorrow. Mrs. Eddy's book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which before I could not understand, suddenly became clear to me and every sentence I read revealed further spiritual truth, and I am more grateful than I can say for the understanding I have gained of the Bible through the help of Science and Health. I pray I may grow in the knowledge of God, of His Christ, and of Christian Science, that I may show it in my life and help others. I am thankful to God for this wonderful truth, to Christ Jesus for revealing it to the world, and to Mrs. Eddy for her consecrated life and work.—

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