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Testimonies of Healing

Through the study and demonstration ...

From the June 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through the study and demonstration of Christian Science, some of the ills, which belief in heredity handed down as family traditions, have in my experience gradually come to the surface, only to be destroyed. Especially severe was the experience of shingles. I assisted in nursing my mother through an attack that lasted for five weeks, during which a night and a day nurse were required. In watching the suffering of those weeks and the intermittent return of pain during five years, vivid images of the trouble were impressed upon my imagination. When a similar condition was experienced in my own case, through the loving and fearless devotion of my husband and the faithful, kindly work of a practitioner, the difficulty was met in spite of seeming trials and my recovery was complete in three weeks. The attacks of pain, said by doctors to be impossible to relieve except by narcotics, were always met in ever shorter periods, until they disappeared.

Later the difficulty of angina pectoris, from which my father suffered from the time of my childhood until he passed on, was met, but somewhat slowly. After much patient help, as in the former case, the trouble was finally overcome, and during the singing of the wonderful hymn, "Abide with me," at a Wednesday evening meeting, a clear consciousness of freedom came to me quite unexpectedly. Several times afterward fear tried to prevail, but knowledge of a cure was too strong in my consciousness for fear to find lodgment, so fears have ceased. To be emancipated from such a tyranny of heritage is an unspeakable blessing, and I acknowledge gratefully my appreciation of Christian Science and my debt to the spiritually minded woman who has made this realization of God's loving presence and power accessible to all.—

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