The realization of God's love, through the teachings of Christian Science, has freed me from a very painful trouble. Some time ago I suffered from neuralgia, which caused me severe pain. A year before I had suffered from this condition, and knew from experience that medical help could not afford me relief, and consequently did not resort to this means. I attended several Wednesday evening meetings and felt a deep interest in this new teaching, and was soon of the opinion that God alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through reading several copies of Der Her old I gradually gained some understanding of this beautiful religion, which taught me about spiritual healing. The pain was constantly increasing, so that I was unable to take nourishment of any kind. I told a practitioner of this, and help was lovingly given me. In a very short time I was completely healed.
I thank God daily that His wonderful message, which was revealed to us by Mary Baker Eddy, is our heritage. May all who search for it gain this spiritual knowledge which frees us from all troubles.—Hamburg, Germany.