I am thinking it is time to make acknowledgment of the blessings received from the study of Christian Science. The first benefit that came to me was freedom from neuralgia, which had caused me much suffering for years and for which no material remedy seemed to give relief; also recovery from diabetes of nearly a year's standing. Best of all, I have been permitted to help others out of trouble.
An incident occurred a short time since which seemed marvelous to those who witnessed it. I stepped onto the piazza to give some instruction to the men who were working on the house, and standing near the edge, I must have moved my foot slightly, for I fell down three steps, striking my left side. In place of the weight of one hundred and sixty pounds there seemed to be no weight at all, and not a bruise or strain or effect of any kind resulted from it. What we learn of God and man's relation to Him. His ever present and all-powerful help. His law of perfect action, is more to us than all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them. My life companion for many years and I have for years practiced the reading of the Lesson-Sermon every morning and repeated together the Lord's Prayer and the spiritual interpretation thereof, and it has become daily food for daily needs. My gratitude is unbounded to the great Way-shower, Christ Jesus, and to our dear Leader. Mary Baker Eddy, and to all who have helped to make the path from sin to holiness, from discord to harmony, from the wandering in the wilderness to gaining at last the promised land, more and ever more easily followed.—West Lebanon, New Hampshire.