In the parable of the great supper, as recorded in the fourteenth chapter of Luke's gospel, "And the lord said unto the servant. Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled," if taken literally, is the brief history of my advent into Christian Science. I was certainly compelled to "come in" as there was no longer any promise of satisfaction outside of the Father's house, where we are bidden, "Come; for all things are now ready." The husks of materialism had long ceased to satisfy, and years of searching among various philosophies, religions, and isms had resulted in nothing that met my need. The church of which I was a faithful attendant declared God to be "the author of peace and the lover of concord," and intuitively I felt this to be a true statement; but much earnest striving has been required to find and prove the truth of it.
My first healing was of a very stubborn tendency to take cold. A minor operation had been undergone and the specialists' directions followed to the letter, with the hope of cure, but with no results. Some weeks after asking for the help of a practitioner, and while praying for courage and confidence. I suddenly felt as if lifted out of a dense fog into a clear light, and this proved to be the occasion of my healing. Subsequently I have been healed of influenza, shingles, and toothache, and I was instantaneously relieved of any sense of pain from what would have been a serious burn.
I am thankful for all these healings as "signs following," and for the many occasions when Christian Science has proven efficacious in preventing disease and injury. But to be able to know that God provably is to know with certainty that I have a reason for the hope that is in me, and to abide in the serene consciousness that I have found the way and that it is but necessary to walk therein to have that "peace of God, which passeth all understanding."—in these do I rejoice daily.—Gold field, Nevada.