For eight years I have been a reader of the Sentinel and Journal, and, the testimonies having been a great help at all times, I write mine to glorify God and to help some one who may be looking for the healing truth, just as I was. I came to Christian Science for physical healing and received it. I was healed of lung trouble after materia medica had failed. I took all the drugs faithfully which my physicians had prescribed, and followed their advice in many ways. I lived as much as possible in the open, trying to get a sense of freedom, but that freedom did not come until after my first treatment in Christian Science. I was not healed in this one treatment, however, but the healing had surely begun and went steadily on for about eighteen months, at the end of which time I could say I was healed. I was able to return to my former position after I had had treatment for two months. Since then I have only lost three days through sickness.
To say I am grateful is putting it mildly indeed. Above all I am grateful that the same truth that was demonstrated by Jesus is at work in my consciousness, and true healing is going on continually. The privilege of church membership came two years ago, which brought many blessings. Then came class instruction, which I know is a great benefit for the student of Christian Science. With steady growth in understanding has come a great change in our home life; doubt, sorrow, fear, resentment, and hate have been somewhat eliminated, and peace, joy, and happiness are almost constantly being expressed. Instead of striving after the things of this world I am learning through the truth to seek the things that are of God.
I feel a deep sense of gratitude to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who stood through all the trials and tribulations and rose above them in triumphant joy, demonstrating the truth she taught.—Portland, Oregon.