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From the March 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN the problem of lack or limitation keeps recurring in our experience, it must signify that in some way we have not grasped the spiritual facts which are needed to heal this discord. We may have thought of our problem in a merely perfunctory way, dismissing it with a vague general statement of the allness of God. It perhaps is not the same spur to our mental activity as is a question of pain or an ugly deformity. Or we may have struggled long and hopelessly, and the heavens have seemed as brass. Mankind is still tempted to say, as in the days of Moses, "My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth." When all human means fail, when to material sense the supply is still so inadequate to the demand, we have need still to pray, as Elisha did for his servant, that our eyes may be opened that we may be able to see Spirit's ever present supply, or to rejoice with Habakkuk in the God of our salvation, though all the apparent sources of supply are closed up.

When Jesus was confronted with a hungry multitude and an inadequate supply of food, he did not meet their need with cold metaphysical statements; but he knew the spiritual facts relative to their need so well that he was able to prove the supply equal to the demand. That a loving Father-Mother God gives to His children the supply to meet the legitimate demands of life becomes more evident to us as we gain a clearer understanding of spiritual law and of a God who is always just. Jesus said,"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." These words are just as true to-day as when he uttered them to the anxious hearts of his disciples. Their practical import, however, has been so obscured by the fogs of tradition and religious emotion that sometimes we need to remind ourselves that they apply to us literally to-day; for Jesus stated a divine law which is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever.

In order to avail ourselves of the protection of this law, we must learn to understand and obey it. If we were studying mathematics, we would not expect to work out a problem involving a difficult rule if we had not thoroughly mastered the simple rules of addition. Nor in the Science of Life can we expect to gain complete victory over discords if we do not take the time to learn patiently the simple rules of divine Science. The preceding words of Jesus have always formed part of the Christian teaching of mankind, but in this age we have a fuller revelation of their meaning, which is awakening us to the true understanding of obedience. When we see that these seemingly insistent demands for shelter, food, clothing, are only met by bringing thought into obedience to Christ, Truth, we begin to learn the necessity for seeking first the kingdom of God, and then we realize that, after all, this is our only need. As our understanding of God grows, naturally our environment improves. A sense of lack is a violation of spiritual law, and is healed by bringing all our thoughts into obedience to that law, by abiding in Him.

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