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Testimonies of Healing

In the one hundred and seventh...

From the March 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the one hundred and seventh psalm we read, "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy." It is a great privilege to say so through the Christian Science periodicals, one of the channels so wisely provided for this purpose by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.

Having no conception of the "only true God," and having tried to find substance, pleasure, peace, and harmony in matter without success, I had developed into a most discouraged and cynical person. At this period in my experience, the year 1914, being wearied with the unsatisfying husks of materiality, I was ready, like the prodigal spoken of in the gospel of Luke, to "arise and go to my father,"—ready to accept the truth about God and man revealed through the teachings of Christian Science. It is with deepest gratitude that I testify to the fact that since the advent of this healing truth in my experience, God has been proved to be the all-loving Father-Mother and author of good alone. Peace is,—where before there was no peace. Happiness, harmony, and the abundance of good, have been found to be present realities. Through Christian Science treatment, a case of measles when I was twenty-eight years of age was completely healed in four days, and an impacted wisdom tooth was healed with one treatment. My little daughter had a cavity in one of her double teeth, which was also decayed and black. Christian Science treatment was given, with the result that the tooth regained its normal color, and the cavity was filled through the power of Truth alone.

For these proofs of God's omnipotence, made possible through Christian Science, I am most grateful. —

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