LOYALTY in Christian Science is strict adherence and obedience to divine Principle, God. One's degree of loyalty, then, is measured by his conformity of thought and action to Principle. Adherence and conformity to human personality, accompanied by the omission of Spirit's guidance, is not loyalty, but infidelity. However faithfully one may follow the leadership of a mortal, even though that human leader is in the accepted sense a good man, if the Christ is not followed, true loyalty is not expressed. Loyalty is the exercise of the faculty of spiritual intuition, revelation, and reason, the yielding to the salutary influence of Spirit, God, rather than to the finite suggestions given out by the human mind.
Jesus the Christ was the highest type of spiritual loyalty ever known on this planet, and as such he is the perfect example to Christian Scientists. The divine impress of perfection was so thoroughly manifested in his every thought and act that he was able to heal instantaneously any condition of disease or sin brought before him. His sense of loyalty went every step of the way, and he demonstrated his sonship with his Father-Mother, divine Principle, in the everyday affairs of life. The Savior did not accept the theory wholly and practice it only in part. His efforts for good were not divided between good and evil, Spirit and matter. He did not represent Love in one case and hate or fear in another, or divine Mind at one time and mortal mind at another. Every moment of the Master's great career was devoted to the manifestation of divine Principle, without stint, without partiality, and without deviation. His unfailing reflection being limited in its practical effect upon others only by the lack of receptivity or faith of those surrounding him, drew unto him those who were ready to receive the good he had for them and who by faith would benefit thereby.
One of the beautiful things about Christian Science is that it does not diminish love for and right loyalty to one's family and friends, but rather increases these qualities. It is the experience of Christian Scientists that the application of this Science makes them more considerate and renders these relationships closer and more tender and lasting; the affections are enriched, the viewpoint is broadened, and a more comprehensive regard for all men, their needs and rights, is established. This establishment of good in human thought is permanent and wholesome. It continually takes on a wider scope, leaving its effect upon men of all races and nationalities, impartially and universally.