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Testimonies of Healing

I became interested in Christian Science...

From the March 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I became interested in Christian Science about nine years ago. From the beginning I received great help from this teaching and felt that I had come into contact with a practical religion. After studying the subject for three years, however, I gradually gave it up. During the influenza epidemic of 1918, I developed the disease, and when it had run its course I became weaker every day until I was in a state of collapse. The doctor diagnosed the case as one of profound neurasthenia. I was taken to a nursing home, and was completely separated from my children and friends. My progress seemed very slow, and at the end of seven weeks I remembered Christian Science and what it had done for me previously. I immediately began to put into practice what I remembered of its teaching, and was out of the home in a week's time.

I then got the textbook "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and also a Quarterly, which I studied earnestly along with my Bible. I went on steadily gathering strength daily, and at the end of the fifth month I was back in my own home, with entire charge of the children, and doing my own work with only occasional assistance.

My children have been helped many times during illness through the loving aid of a practitioner. In some cases the healing was instantaneous. About one and a half years ago one of my children fell from a tree and hurt her wrist. It was X-rayed, found to be broken, and was set in the infirmary. A Christian Science practitioner was called when the accident happened and the child suffered no pain except during the setting. At the end of the second week she was using the arm quite freely.

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