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Testimonies of Healing

It is indeed a great joy to bear testimony...

From the March 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is indeed a great joy to bear testimony to the power of God through the teachings of Christian Science. Exactly seven years ago I had arrived at that condition known as man's extremity, having suffered over a year from acute neurasthenia, and for ten years prior to that suffered for a period in each year from a nervous breakdown. A great sense of fear and self-depreciation had practically governed and beclouded my early life, while I was always longing to be like my colleagues in the teaching profession by having greater confidence in self. My condition mentally at the time of hearing of Christian Science was most trying to all my friends. I am daily grateful for the loving patience of the practitioner to whom I applied for treatment. In six months I was completely healed and once more took over my home duties and the care of our two children, from whom I had been separated several months, that being part of the medical treatment recommended prior to trying Christian Science. The deep peace and calmness which steadily enveloped my entire consciousness through the destruction of that sense of fear can only be understood by those who have experienced the same, and I gained, not confidence in self, but in the presence, power, and love of God.

During these seven years Christian Science has been our only physician, and the bringing up of the youngest child, now six years old, in Christian Science, as compared with the bringing up of the elder children, accompanied by fear and bondage of every description, has in itself been a revelation. Croup, measles, chickenpox, and bronchitis have all been met and met quickly. Last spring, during an epidemic of scarlet fever, my eldest child was suddenly attacked and asked me to treat her on Wednesday on returning home after a testimony meeting. By midnight the symptoms had so developed as to leave no doubt whatever as to the nature of the trouble. During those silent hours of the night I tried to realize the nature of God and man's relation to Him. At about three o'clock I was filled with a peaceful assurance that the disease was conquered, and this thought was the last I remember: Since God is infinite, then there is no other Mind but God to know about this child, and no other law but the divine law of Love operating. On awaking in the morning I saw the child was healed, and by the afternoon she was out of doors quite her usual self.

Before I regained the care of the children I used to wonder if Science would be quick enough in these experiences; but now I know, as Paul says, "the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword." I am also very grateful for having had the privilege of class instruction and that the way is opening out for me to devote my life to helping others, for only a life devoted to God and humanity could express my gratitude to God and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.—

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