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Testimonies of Healing

It is now over six years since I was...

From the March 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now over six years since I was afflicted with a severe cough which my physician informed me could not be cured in this climate—my condition could not stand another winter here. I had occasion to go to Chicago, and on my return I stopped off in Detroit to visit an old friend who was a Christian Science practitioner in whom I had every confidence. I told her I had come for help and was willing to remain as long as she thought best. In a day or two I left for home, understanding I was quite well enough to do so. She asked me if I thought I smoked too much. It had not occurred to me before, as I had been an inveterate smoker for forty years. I threw my cigar away immediately, and from that time to the present I have never had a desire to smoke. Many friends have said to me, "What a strong will power you must have had to stop the habit of so many years' standing." It was not my will power, but God's power which freed me.

About three years ago I was taken with intestinal dropsy in a severe form. I consulted my old physician, and after a long time (he having the case and I making no progress) he informed me that all had been done that medicine could do, except to alleviate pain, and that eventually the disease would prove fatal. I then discontinued all medicine and returned to Christian Science, with the result that every symptom disappeared, and I am to-day as well as before the disease attacked me.

This is my experience in Christian Science and I trust it may give hope and encouragement to those who are in need of help. I am thankful to Mrs. Eddy for this great truth which brings so much harmony to those who are in need, and am grateful for this great blessing which has brought so much happiness to me.—

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