It is impossible to express in words my gratitude to God for Christian Science, as discovered by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.
In reviewing all the blessings brought to our home through Christian Science, I find truly that nothing is "too good to be true," because good is all that is true. Our children have been healed of appendicitis, measles, heavy colds, earache, diarrhea, and constipation. They have also been protected from many of the so-called contagious diseases.
One healing, however, stands out above the rest. One Thursday afternoon our little son, aged three, came to me complaining of his stomach and told me to ask God to heal him. I had been studying Christian Science only a few months, but I read to him and tried to know the truth. He, however, continued to grow worse, going from a high fever to delirium. Just before he lapsed into unconsciousness he said he could not see me. I called for help from a practitioner. When I returned to him his eyes were set, and his hands and feet were getting cold. It looked as though it would be only a matter of minutes before he would pass on . My husband said, "Oh, get a doctor." I went to the telephone and told the practitioner of the conditions and what my husband had said. Just then my husband called, "Oh, tell her to come over." She said, "Dear, God is with you, and you have all you need." But as we were so young in Science, she sent her sister, who is also a practitioner, to stay with us.