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[Written for the Journal]


From the December 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As Enoch heard God's voice, and talked with Him,
Companioning with Mind as with a dear,
Familiar friend, in sacred high content
Discoursing on realities,—for Mind
Communes with holy thought, dissolving all
The fragile dreams of earth's entanglements,—
So, seeking Love, men once again shall hear
God's voice; and hearing, gladly shall they speak
With Him, asking how they, as Enoch did,
May traverse Love's domain. Then shall the hates
Of earth disperse; the din of strife shall cease;
And men, as brothers walking, shall converse
On Love's design, each seeking how he may
Excel in love; promoting thus his own
In others' good.

The day of Love shall come,
When men shall cast aside their armaments.
As children, growing, turn from childish things;
And in a cleansed and reverent new world,
One Mind, transcending wrong, shall rule mankind.

Ah, Love!—who speaks with God, and walks with Him,
Now hears Him say,—The day of Love is come!

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