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From the December 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the days when Christ Jesus preached and healed in the villages of Galilee, he said to those catching the significance of his holy healing, "Follow me." A few spontaneously offered themselves on the altar of service with such words as, "Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest." We know the spiritual blessings that recompensed this readiness to obey the call to divine service. Today, Christian Science makes a no less imperative demand. To one newly healed and rejoicing in freedom from some form of human suffering, comes with sweet insistence the "still small voice," saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." Happy the one who hears and follows!

With transforming power Christian Science works upon the whole character, as well as upon bodily distresses. Close study of our Leader's thought, as unfolded in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," develops a spiritual capacity to discern the buried treasures of the Scriptures, and a great transformation takes place. Values change. Things material become less important, and the thoughts that are to bring the kingdom of heaven upon earth take precedence. The words and works of Christ Jesus take on vital significance in present, practical application. Demonstration crowns understanding and discards the blindness of faith without works. Then comes the desire to break with old forms, to take on the new, to stand unequivocally for Christian Science and to be identified with it. A home where opportunity to work spiritually for the spread of what has so abundantly blessed one's own experience is desired. At this point membership in a branch or local Church of Christ, Scientist, is sought.

The member of a branch church who is really alert soon perceives that advancing steps are to be taken, and notes that his church is literally a branch; that certain rules obtain in it through its relation to The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, and that full activity in a branch church is contingent on membership in The Mother Church. The privilege of this membership is open to all loyal Christian Scientists; but safeguards are placed around this privilege to insure that only those well prepared for the step shall be accepted into membership.

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