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From the December 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE gives encouragement beyond measure. It breaks the limitations of sense, and shows mortals how they may enlarge their abilities and increase their value, for themselves, the friends with whom they come in contact, and the world at large. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 128) Mrs. Eddy says, "A knowledge of the Science of being develops the latent abilities and possibilities of man." This has been proved over and over again by many. Things that had previously seemed quite impossible to be undertaken have been successfully accomplished through the understanding of Love's supporting, sustaining, and comforting influence. God's gifts are full and free for all. He does not withhold any good quality from any one. All is ours for the taking; but this taking is the active manifestation of good. Thereby our borders are enlarged and our capabilities increased.

In the story of the distribution of the talents, given in Matthew's gospel, Jesus plainly shows that it is only as we put the divine qualities into active, everyday use that they are increased and multiplied. The unfaithful servant, who hid his talent in the ground, allowed himself to be victimized by fear, apathy, lethargy, and the belief of matter as substance; and thereby he was deprived of the power of good. Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 323): "In order to apprehend more, we must put into practice what we already know. We must recollect that Truth is demonstrable when understood, and that good is not understood until demonstrated. If 'faithful over a few things,' we shall be made rulers over many; but the one unused talent decays and is lost."

The truth about God, man, and the universe, as understood through the teachings of Christian Science, is wonderfully stimulating, invigorating, and encouraging, especially to those who may think it no longer worth while to begin upon new subjects or to start attempting fresh branches of work. This attitude would suggest ease in matter, and thus limit our capacities. All the faculties of man are spiritual and eternal. What we learn of the truth will always continue with us; and the more we avail ourselves of our privileges and opportunities now, the further will be our advancement and the quicker our progress.

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