Having for more than fourteen years reaped the benefits of Christian Science, I should like to express my gratitude for this wonderful truth. In our home, Christian Science was taken up because of religious dissatisfaction. It came to us at a time when every material support had been tried and found wanting. None of our difficulties were overcome quickly; and for this I am grateful. We worked gradually into an understanding of God as ever present Principle; and many were the tests of our faith.
In our home, Christian Science has healed cases of ptomaine poisoning, pneumonia, grippe, hay fever, typhoid fever, pernicious anaemia, jaundice, a fibrous growth on a toe, irritation on the face, colds, and many minor ailments. It has supplied every need physically and financially. It is invaluable to me in my profession as a public school teacher. I cannot conceive of successfully teaching school without Christian Science. It has meant very much to me in the way of helping to control an otherwise irritable disposition.
I am grateful for having had three years' instruction in the Christian Science Sunday School; for all of Mrs. Eddy's writings; for our current literature; for the privilege of serving in institutional work, and of teaching in the Christian Science Sunday School; and for membership in a branch church and The Mother Church. I can truthfully say I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science. I find daily strength and comfort in the poem written by Mrs. Eddy, "Christ and Christmas," two of the verses (pp. 27, 35) of which are especially full of meaning to me:—