From the time I was sixteen years of age an internal condition caused me great physical suffering. Everything which materia medica offered was tried, until it seemed that an operation was the only resort; but I would not consent to that.
In 1915, a kind friend told me of her experience and of the healing she had had through the help of a Christian Science practitioner. This encouraged me to take up the study of Christian Science in February; and by June glasses had been laid aside through the understanding gained from reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the Christian Science literature, and the revelation of Truth during my attendance at the church services. Moreover, the chronic condition was healed after two visits to a practitioner. There has since been a slow but steady progress Spiritward, and Science is proving a panacea effective in just the proportion that I am willing to lay aside the opinions and desires of self and become obedient to the law of God, good. The truth which Christian Science teaches about God and God's law has been successfully applied to difficult business propositions, home problems, and social relations, as well as to physical discords.
I cannot be too grateful for the privilege of class instruction, as I have spent three years in a country district in Cuba where it is impossible to communicate readily with the outside world. All the Christian Science literature is not only a blessing but a boon to us here; and I am earnestly trying to be an active Christian Scientist, as I realize that this is the real token of sincere gratitude. —Guaro, Oriente Province, Cuba.