It is with a heart full of thanksgiving that I offer this testimony in the hope that it may help to lighten my brother's burden as so often another's testimony has lightened mine.
I remember so well that several years ago, when seeking physical healing, I often thought that if I could find health and peace I would never cease expressing my gratitude to God and Christian Science. The trouble which held me in bondage at that time had been diagnosed by one of Chicago's reputable specialists as an internal growth. Loving work was done for me by a Christian Science practitioner, and I tried obediently to follow every command of Truth given. I studied early and late the many writings of our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy; and as fear was cast out of my consciousness, greater love and purity regenerated and filled my thinking, so that the error of belief was resolved into its native nothingness. I have always been truly grateful for the fact that it was a slow healing, as it gave me an opportunity to cast off many of the old soiled garments of materialism. The spiritual uplift received at the time of this healing has never ceased to bless me.
I wish to give an experience my little daughter and I had last winter. She became very ill in school, was excused, and came home. Upon entering the house she said she had been holding fast to the truth, as taught in Christian Science, in order to get home, as she seemed to be blind and was in great pain. I was studying the Lesson-Sermon at the time, and the unreality of this condition seemed clear to me. She lay down immediately and I sat beside her, and we audibly discussed the truths about God and man and the perfect spiritual laws which govern man. I asked her questions, and she answered them. We continued this reasoning for perhaps half an hour, when she said she felt sleepy, so I left her and went about my household duties. I did no further work for her, as I felt clearly that the work was done. Inside of an hour she asked for food, ate a hearty luncheon, and was entirely free. Many times I have been instantaneously healed of sick headache by making audible declarations of God's omnipotence and omnipresence, and of course realizing the truth of these statements. And so I could go on relating many instances of healing.