The Lord has done great things for my family and for me, and I want to acknowledge this to-day with heartfelt gratitude! When Christian Science first came into my life, I immediately felt it was the true religion. I commenced to study it, and soon could record a remarkable proof. This seemed to me to be so wonderful that I studied the teaching still more earnestly. The new line of thought, as well as the spiritual understanding which I gained, made me a new woman. The true knowledge of God as the only good, and the consciousness of His immediate nearness, constantly surrounding us, comforted and helped me in the most difficult years of my life, when my husband was very ill. Although he was not a Christian Scientist, he was often helped by impersonal work in Christian Science, and a dear practitioner assisted us in a most loving way with her advice and help.
If we think right thoughts about every one,—every one a child of God, —and as such we see him in Christian Science by separating our thought of man from every sort of error, success cannot fail to come. It was wonderful to see the effect the work often had. For some years my husband has been back at his work. He was protected most wonderfully by God during the war at the east and west fronts, when the shells were causing great devastation all around him. How inexpressibly grateful I am that God protected my husband, and that I possessed the understanding which wonderfully inspired me with perfect confidence in God's help during the most difficult days!
Christian Science is in truth an ever present help in time of trouble. I have experienced this so often. By right thinking and reliance on God everything can be adjusted; and the daily application of Truth always brings new blessings with it. I myself have been healed of great fear and a constant sense of anxiety which so often came over me when my husband went away that it seemed almost unbearable; but by the strict rejection of this feeling with the words, "Get thee behind me, Satan," and the realization of the immediate nearness of God, I at last overcame it. I am very grateful for this healing.