With deep gratitude I write this testimony of what Christian Science has done for me. By putting into practice my understanding of this beautiful truth I am receiving blessings daily.
For many years I suffered from an internal difficulty—long before I was married, and for about ten years after, until the year 1914, in which Christian Science was brought to my notice. Before taking up the study of Christian Science, I underwent three surgical operations within eight months, one calling for the other. I had tried all kinds of treatments by well-known doctors, but was told by all of them that nothing but an operation would cure me. After the third operation I was able to be up and around for about eight months, and then the old troubles returned. I was very much discouraged when, after an examination, . I was told that it would be necessary for me to undergo another operation as I had a cyst. You may know my sad feelings, as I had already suffered so much and had a terrible fear of the anæsthetic and the after results of it. I asked the doctor if there were any chance of this ailment going away with good care and treatments, and his answer was, "One in a thousand." When I left the doctor's office that day I had made up my mind never to go to the operating table again, but did not know what I was going to do.
That same evening I was relating to a friend what the doctor had told me, and she asked if I would not like to try Christian Science. I had been asked that question a few times before, but by those who needed it as much as I did, and who were not Christian Scientists. Like many others I groped along in the darkness. I told my friend I would try it anyway. She then sent me to some friends of hers who had been healed in Christian Science; and I have not ceased being thankful from that day to this, as I found not only an instantaneous healing but the all-knowing and all-loving God, who heals all our diseases. I also found that the real cause of my trouble was an hysterical temper, hatred, an irritable disposition, impatience, discouragement, a habit of condemning and criticizing. All these were overcome, and the following ailments disappeared with them: periodical headaches that would last from two to three days, constipation of years' standing, dizziness, overaction of the kidneys, nausea when riding on a train or street car, and insomnia.