He said to his disciples, as they came
Back to his side, from mission at his word,
Worn by their toil amidst the heedless throng,
Sad that so few the wondrous message heard:
"Come ye ... apart into a desert place,
And rest a while." And soon, with ardor strong,
They turned again to tell a suff'ring world
Of Love that waiteth to redeem from wrong.
He said to me, as faithfully I tried
To do each little task to me assigned:
"Come ye ... apart into a desert place,
And rest a while." And straightway did I find
My vision clarified to openness,
The pettiness that tired, all dropped away,
Till in my grateful consciousness abides
The peace and quiet of the Sabbath day.
He says to all who fret o'er thankless tasks:
"Come ye ... apart into a desert place,
And rest a while." His invitation heed,
And let his rest your weariness erase.
He does not order you to go apart,
In solitude your waiting time to spend;
But bids you come, and in his wilderness
Forget the world through learning God, your Friend.