For the past fourteen years Christian Science has met my every need. It has been my only physician, and has brought me so many blessings that I should like to express my loving gratitude to God for all it has done for me.
When I first heard of this religion I was crippled with rheumatoid arthritis, and had been in constant pain for nine years. I could not sleep at night, and was getting to be a helpless invalid. The doctors and specialists had done all they could for me. They said I was incurable, and would have to spend the rest of my life in a bath chair. At times I could not dress myself, and my wrists and ankles were quite fixed. I also had acute pain in all my joints. Christian Science has completely healed me.
I have also been healed of a broken leg. Two doctors said that I would not be able to walk again, unless I allowed them to operate on it and have it plated together; and even if they did that, they said, it would be fully a year before I should have the use of my leg again. I was very quickly healed by Christian Science treatment, and able to resume my work in less than eight weeks, absolutely free from pain. The leg was an inch and a half shorter than the other, but is now quite normal. I have never had to wear a high boot.