"Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." So wrote Paul to the Romans.
The Bible refers in numerous instances to those who. by communion with Spirit, were changed from conformity to the commonly accepted views and conditions of human existence to obedience to the will of God. Since Christian Scientists take the Bible as their guide in all things that pertain to eternal life, Paul's command should receive their most careful consideration. Mrs. Eddy followed this admonition to a far greater extent than has any one else since the days of the apostles, even as did Moses among those who preceded the Master. The experiences of all these are valuable to us, as we endeavor to learn the true import of their words and follow in the path they trod.
Moses, as he heard and heeded the voice of God, became transformed from the keeper of the flock of Jethro to the leader of his people out of the land of bondage, through the wilderness, into the promised land. The proofs of God's power and of the powerlessness of error which he had, so renewed his mind and transformed his nature that he was ready to go forth on his great mission to fulfill the will of God. He was able to show his people in their time of need that God is a never failing source of supply. His understanding of God enabled him to be the channel through which God gave to the world those Commandments which have since served as beacon and guide to all mankind, and as the basis of many of the laws of civilized nations which govern men.