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Testimonies of Healing

It would take a volume to tell of...

From the January 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It would take a volume to tell of all that Christian Science has done for us. My husband was restored to health after the doctors had given him up as incurable. My sister was also pronounced incurable, but is now a strong, healthy woman, thanks to Christian Science. After a severe fall, medical men declared my father would never be able to go back to his own business, which is sign-writing and requires a very steady hand; but through the study of Christian Science, he is able now to do better work then he ever did before, and is in better health than he has been for years. My mother has been healed of severe headaches from which she had suffered for years. I myself have been healed of constipation, rheumatism in the ankles, falling hair, and also many faults of character.

Although sometimes the way seems very dark and hard, I am striving to say, "Thy will be done," and to realize that God knows what is best for each one of His children. I am grateful for the services, the literature, and everything connected with the Christian Science movement. No words of mine could ever express the gratitude I feel for our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has revealed to the world this blessed truth.—

I am very glad to verify the above testimony of my wife. I too have very much to be grateful for in all that Christian Science has done for me. It was presented to me at a time when all material aids had failed in their purposes. As one drowning clings to a straw, I clung to this last hope held out to me; and man's extremity was certainly God's opportunity. For some years before taking up this wonderful truth I was a wreck, physically and mentally. I had been an inmate of a local hospital on divers occasions, and each time left worse than I entered, after baffling the skill of the best medical aid.

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