LAW in its Christianly scientific application is the invariable sequence and relation between divine Principle and idea. Because God, divine Love, is Principle, God creates man, according to His law, in His own image and likeness. This relationship of reflection, that is, of man as being God's image and likeness, is stated with matchless precision in the first chapter of Genesis. As human thought appreciates this statement of perfection and affirms it as divine law, the fleshly or carnal qualities of the human mind are put off or destroyed, and thought receives the divine impulse to advance to the full dominion of man in God's image and likeness.
Advancing Godward, man is found to be governed by God, divine Mind. Through obedience, this government is proved to be the expression of divine law, in that it is the acceptance of the relation of perfect sonship as set forth throughout the Scriptures and embodied in God's law. Thus Christian Science, which Mrs. Eddy defines in part on page 1 of "Rudimental Divine Science" as "the law of God, the law of good," reveals the reality of man and the universe, and the unreality of all that is opposed to God.
But this unfolding of the divine order and economy is not after the way of a mortal's appointing. Material research, through the avenues of the corporeal senses and the vast accumulations of material knowledge, will not solve the problem of our origin and destiny. The five senses, alias the human or carnal mind, have striven for ages to understand the universe and all that therein is. But instead of presenting a true concept of the universe, these senses project, as a structure, matter, which is every day appearing more complex and enigmatical. That is to say, what is termed the universe by the so-called human mind is a mental picture or image of its own inherent beliefs, and not the reality of being.