This is God's day—the day that He hath made.
We will be glad, and will rejoice in it.
"To-day is big with blessings;"SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES by Mary Baker Eddy, Preface, page vii.
ere we rise
Let us uplift our waking consciousness
From things of earth, and listen for Love's voice,"
Telling anew the beauty of the morn.
The day the Lord hath made must perfect be,
No discord, lack, or limitation there;
For Love divine hath e'en already met
Our every human need, both great and small.
Therefore why have concern about to-day?
Why take such anxious thought, and so forget
The one thing needful—to rejoice in it?
If we but keep the mist of self away,
Nothing can mar the beauty of God's day.

[Written for the journal]
From the October 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal