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From the February 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CONSTANT expectancy implies a firm or steadfast waiting for something. Now the question as to what one is expecting determines, almost entirely, whether his human experiences are to be harmonious or discordant. Always to look for good, because we know God's laws are ever operating and governing all His creation, brings to our realization health, peace, joy, and success; while fear, the anticipation of so-called evil, is the cause of practically every condition which tends to produce discord in our lives.

When the spies who had been sent ahead to explore the promised land returned, they brought word that good was there in abundance, but that the enemy to be subdued was very powerful. Then the people, instead of looking forward to the good that would be theirs as the result of trusting God, whose omnipotence had already been proved to them in numerous ways, began to anticipate evil; and so they were afraid to go forward to claim the good which God had promised them. Consequently, they had to spend many years in the wilderness, until they were prepared to accept the good that could have been theirs long before.

Is not this illustration parallel to many of our own experiences? God's goodness is ever at hand; but because we fear the seeming power of materiality, we are cast back into the wilderness of doubt and spiritual darkness, where we must wait for this material sense of things to give place to the spiritual facts of being. However, when we comprehend that evil in all its phases is unreal, because it does not emanate from God, who knows no evil, we shall cease to fear it or to look for any of its manifestations. We know that the place where the sky and earth seem to meet is simply an illusion of the material senses. Just so, evil and all its claims are nothing.

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