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From the February 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

TO every person there must come the sacred time of turning forever from sense to Soul. The claims of the material senses may still seem to assert themselves, but in his heart each will come to know that Spirit is his all, forever. The Psalmist, in this holy mood of humble and exalted renunciation of mortal selfhood, wrote, "When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek."

The student of Christian Science finds it necessary at times to be allowed long, quiet hours of communion with God, times of assimilating the divine nature, periods of respite from the clamors of material sense. Sometimes he may take these hours from the night, in wakeful rest and repose. Jesus did so. He rested in Love; and Love declared its allness to him. Heaven-fed in these periods of rest, he knew the rapture of a comforted heart, and with motives made pure and sure he uttered the truth and wrought the behests of God. Mrs. Eddy, following long after, manifested the same reverent attendance upon Spirit, the same inspired and correct utterance, the same richness of godly works.

Students of Christian Science who have, through successive years, been fed and heartened by Mrs. Eddy's messages to The Mother Church for 1900, 1901, and 1902, cannot but admire the reverence and protection which she accorded these inspired messages, as she did everything sacredly revealed to her in connection with the Cause of Christian Science. In "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," on page 170, she says concerning an occasion when she addressed three thousand visitors at Concord in 1901, "The brevity of my remarks was due to a desire on my part that the important sentiments uttered in my annual Message to the church last Sunday should not be confused with other issues, but should be emphasized in the minds of all present here in Concord."

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