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From the February 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"IF thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes." So said Jesus as he beheld Jerusalem and wept over it, conscious in the presence of human misery of its false nature and of the truth of being, which reveals man as forever God's perfect child. Christian Scientists the world over are today thanking God that through the teachings of Mrs. Eddy they are gaining such a demonstrable knowledge of Jesus' teachings that the things which belong unto their peace are no longer hid from their eyes.

The things which belong to peace are the things which belong to God; they therefore belong to man, God's image and likeness. These things are always spiritual facts, never mortal illusions. They are unchangeable, indestructible, perfect; therefore never conjectural or speculative, but scientific. The student of Christian Science knows that spiritual understanding brings peace; that everything which Jesus knew, taught, and did, and which he commanded his followers to know, teach, and do, belonged to God's peace.

All down the ages mankind has earnestly sought God; and truly the time to find Him is now. But has not God, boundless, invariable, eternal, infinite Mind, been hidden in the mists of materiality? Has not man apparently been buried in material selfhood? Were we not ignorant of divine Mind's allness, ignorant that materiality is mere myth? Was not the truth that Spirit is the only substance undreamed of? It was through Mrs. Eddy's discovery of Christian Science that we began to recognize the possibility of our knowing here and now something of spiritual life, spiritual environment, spiritual association, spiritual supply. And did not this revelation begin at once to make all things new by turning every circumstance, every experience, into an occasion and opportunity for healing? Step by step the truth of spiritual being was unfolded to our Leader; and step by step in the lives of Christian Scientists the sordid and sinful are giving place to the diviner sense of life.

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