I should like to express my gratitude for the healing of my little girl. She was very ill when a doctor saw her. He said she must not be disturbed, as she had bronchial pneumonia and inflammation of the lungs. She was in a very bad state when a Christian Science practitioner called. I told her about the child, and asked her to see her. She saw how ill the child was, and kindly offered to stay overnight. I had read in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" where Mrs. Eddy says the patient should be left alone with God and the practitioner, and I decided to do this; and when I saw my little girl again she was sitting up laughing and singing and asked for an egg for her breakfast as she was very hungry. That same afternoon she was downstairs, and the next day out of doors. Since that time we have had no medicine of any kind. My husband became interested in Christian Science, and we are trying every day to learn more about it. I am very grateful for the happiness it has brought into my life and home.— Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, England.
Testimonies of Healing
I should like to express my gratitude...
From the March 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal