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Testimonies of Healing

It is with heartfelt gratitude that...

From the March 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I send this testimony of what Christian Science has done and is doing for me and mine. I had never heard of Christian Science until eight years ago.

About four years ago I became very ill with a swelling in my face and body, and if left alone for two minutes would sink into a state of coma which was alarming to my wife and family. A doctor was called in. He said that I had an incurable disease which was caused by the fluid from the glands of the neck being unable to circulate through the body, and that I could not possibly last much longer than three months. I would have to take tablets three times a day if I wanted to live as long as that. Word was at once sent to a Christian Science practitioner for help, which was lovingly and faithfully given; and I was gently led through very deep waters to perfect health. This healing has been complete.

We are very grateful for all the physical healings we have received. We have five children, and they have known no other healing than that of Christian Science. I am truly grateful to those dear friends who have so lovingly helped us. I am grateful to God; to Christ Jesus, the Wayshower; and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.—

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