I awoke one morning with every symptom of what physicians would call diphtheria, and as the day advanced the condition appeared more alarming, the throat seeming to be almost entirely closed. With the help of a loving Christian Science practitioner, on the morning of the third day I ate quite a hearty breakfast; and before evening every indication of disease had vanished.
When I first met with Christian Science I was suffering from tuberculosis, supposed to have been inherited from my parents, and was filled with fear for my children, for I could see no way of their escaping this experience. Through the study and application of Christian Science, however, all fear was removed, my healing was complete, and my children have never been touched by this belief.
During the years that I have been a student of Christian Science, the needs of my family have been many, and each time we have experienced the healing power of Truth and Love. Much gratitude is felt for these proofs of God's ever-presence. I am so grateful to our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, who by her love for all mankind has made peace, happiness, and health possible for all.—Tulsa, Oklahoma