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From the August 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN we think of God's revelation of Himself through man, we think of something so holy, so pure, that there is nothing with which it can be compared. Perhaps the illustration of the sun revealing itself through its shining rays is one of the best symbols we can have of it. Is it not a daily illustration of the great spiritual fact that God is continuously revealing Himself to man and through man? Christian Science teaches that God through His thoughts, His presence, His laws, has at all times and in all places been shining forth—that even now there are no other thoughts, presence, laws than those which proceed from God, divine Mind; and that to have one God means to have one Life, one Mind, and to know only one creation.

Then why, asks the sufferer, am I not experiencing this harmony? Why, asks the mourner, am I not comforted? Why, asks a yearning world, do not peace and joy prevail in the affairs of men? These questions are answered in many different ways in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The very fact that such questions are being asked is encouraging; for it shows that mankind is awakening out of its long dream. In the appearing of Christian Science in this age is the prophecy being fulfilled, "Before they call, I will answer."

If God is continuously expressing Himself through the universe and man, then is not man's part to reflect God's infinitude? Our Leader has said in Science and Health (p. 264) that when we "recognize man's spiritual being, we shall behold and understand God's creation, —all the glories of earth and heaven and man." We may not expect to get this recognition all at once; but if we will admit that this undiscovered country is at hand, that revelation belongs not alone to the past, but that now is the accepted time to hear God's message and see His glory—if we will call to remembrance these things, we shall at least have hearts prepared to receive Him.

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