It is indeed a blessed privilege to be able to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science through the periodicals our Leader provided. I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in a loyal branch church. The fruitful experience of class instruction has also been mine. Christian Science has met my every need when correctly applied. It has been a wonderful help spiritually, mentally, morally, and physically. Twice, while I was having dental work done, abscesses were effectively prevented through my own spiritual understanding. Pain was also overcome, to a marked degree, at these times.
Six years ago when a severe attack of pneumonia presented itself, and I was not expected to live through the night, I was quickly and permanently healed through the kind, loving, and patient work of a practitioner. All fear was overcome, and I was able to return to my duties within less than half the time prescribed by a physician. For this healing I am unceasingly grateful.
At another time an alarming case of poisoning was effectively overcome. This manifested itself on my hands and caused extreme discomfort. However, I passed my grades in preparation for the next year. This was another proof of divine intelligence realized.