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Testimonies of Healing

Through a friend I took up the...

From the February 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through a friend I took up the study of Christian Science about twelve years ago for a physical healing. I felt that I was perfectly satisfied with my own church, but if Christian Science could heal me I should be very grateful and go on my way rejoicing. With the help of this friend I was healed in a few months of chronic stomach trouble from which I had suffered constantly for many years. I became so interested in this Science and its application to all human problems that I continued to study it. I have been healed of many other difficulties, and am particularly grateful for the healing of acute appendicitis.

It took me many years to realize that the wonderful promises in the Bible are for all. I accepted the loaves and fishes and went on very happily, but in due time learned that one must work out his own salvation; and I am very grateful for the untiring and unselfish help of a friend and of practitioners during these years.—

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