This wonderful truth came into my home at a time of crushing mental suffering and affliction. In fact, my mother had reached the state where she could not pray, as had always been her wont when in trouble, and at times she despaired of her reason. This condition was healed immediately, and I have seen her grow into health which she never had known before.
Christian Science has shown me the way to health and harmony. As I grew up I could attend school only irregularly, and I was constantly under the care of physicians. This understanding has come to me gradually by persistently and assiduously routing error with my increasing knowledge of Truth, and with the help of practitioners. It has made it possible in the face of trying physical struggles to do that which was necessary to meet a need and to come out victorious. It has taught me how to attain and retain a degree of peace and mental equilibrium during extremely pressing and distressing financial conditions, and has shown me in some measure how to trust in good. It is teaching me the blessed truth of my unity with God, the divine Principle of being, and that His care and protection ever surround His child, His spiritual offspring. Through Christian Science I am learning to know God as Life, Mind, Spirit, to think of myself as God thinks of me, and to know my fellowman as God knows him, unchanged in his perfection.
My gratitude is boundless that Christian Science teaches us how to think correctly. This will be the salvation of the world, for it is by learning how daily and hourly to displace false beliefs or wrong thinking with right thinking that we become conscious of the ever-presence of our Father-Mother God.—Hollywood, California.