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From the May 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the year 1866 a mode of thought which is revolutionizing the world came as a revelation from divine Truth to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

Revelation is defined as "the act of making known what was previously concealed or unknown," and as "God's disclosure or manifestation of Himself or His will to man." In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says (p. 109), "The revelation of Truth in the understanding came to me gradually and apparently through divine power." The Science of Christianity is thus a disclosure of the truth concerning God and His relationship to man. There are two requisites in revelation. First, there must be Truth to be discovered; and, secondly, there must be someone so prepared by inclination and understanding that he can interpret his perception of this truth to others.

From the beginning of time men have felt that there must be a Supreme Being. Out of this view grew the concepts of God which the patriarchs and prophets of Israel comprehended sufficiently to record in the Old Testament. This succession of enlightened seers culminated in the advent of Christ Jesus, whose teaching illuminated the inspired Word to mankind. He proved that God is Love, and that man is the perfect idea, or expression, of Love. On this foundation he cured the one sick of palsy, stopped an issue of blood, and restored the dead to life. Because of his understanding of his Sonship with God, he was able to point out more clearly than any other what God is and what is man's relationship to Him. On page 26 of Science and Health our beloved Leader says: "Our Master taught no mere theory, doctrine, or belief. It was the divine Principle of all real being which he taught and practised. His proof of Christianity was no form or system of religion and worship, but Christian Science, working out the harmony of Life and Love."

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