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[Written for the Journal]


From the May 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

He faced the light, and as he pressed ahead
Saw only light upon his onward way;
No wandering glance e'er filled his heart with dread,
Since all about him shone the cheering day;
No faltering he knew, nor threatening night,
As with uplifted gaze he faced the light.

Toward that same light I turned, and saw him pass,
Unnoting me who trod the selfsame way;
I marked the shadows darkling on the grass—
Closely entwined about his feet they lay,
And deepened as he went; but as he gained
In nearness to the light, the shadows waned.

His speeding feet knew naught of shadows dim;
His ordered steps advanced at God's command,
And God's own presence safely folded him
From foes unguessed that lurked on either hand,
Until beneath his feet he trod self's shade
And faced the light serene and unafraid.

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