It is in grateful appreciation of and love for Christian Science that I bear testimony to its healing and regenerating power. It is over seven years since I took up the study of Christian Science after I had consulted the seventh physician and had been told that I should be obliged to take medical treatments for some time, and that no doubt an operation for appendicitis and stomach and bowel trouble would be necessary. All this, together with a serious heart condition which manifested itself at this time, caused me to be very much afraid.
After I had received this discouraging verdict I thought the matter over and decided to try Christian Science, of which I knew very little. The next morning I called a practitioner, one whom I had never met, and asked for help, which was lovingly given. When able, I went to her home and was told more about God and His loving-kindness, truths which I shall never forget. I am grateful to say that I was healed of these conditions, though some of them persisted for a while. My first healing was of the need of wearing glasses. This was followed by the healing of heart trouble. I have had many other healings, including the healing of influenza, and have overcome a very quick temper and a tendency to faultfinding.
I am grateful for membership both in The Mother Church and in a branch church; for the privilege of teaching in the Sunday school; for the loving help that has been given me; and for the clearer understanding I am gaining each day of God and my true relationship to Him.— Indianapolis, Indiana.