ALMOST everybody reads newspapers. The individual as well as the nation can be influenced by the news which is sent forth through the press. The education made possible by such means should lessen fear, awaken the love of good in the human heart, and stimulate thought to desire greater and better living. But, alas, the business of publishing does not always bring forth good fruit. Therein lies its danger. This danger Christian Scientists can help to allay through the power of right thinking.
The public thought is oftentimes stirred by press reports which appear in the daily newspapers as front-page news. Such news is frequently sensational, telling of some disaster which may implant fear in the consciousness of the reader and produce baneful results. At such times of evil suggestion it is well for the soldier of God to stand guard over his mental household and refuse to take such falsity into his thinking. He must know that in reality God, good, governs all.
One who was suffering from a malignant disease sought help in Christian Science. The practitioner did faithful work, but seemingly there was no response. Then it was found that the patient had previously read a paper in which the disease was described and a chart drawn, explaining its location and symptoms. She had, it seems, been greatly disturbed and found it difficult to forget the picture. She was cured quickly and permanently when this false image was removed from her thought by Christian Science treatment.